Juris Economics provides answers to the economic questions that matter. We utilize demographic profiles combined with applied statistics to create representative life models for evaluation.



Automated Software

Real Time Valuations

Our processes provide answers in real time, no more waiting. Know what your case is worth today.

Industry Leading Value

For $549 we provide a complete written analysis for your file.  These reports apply standard economic principals, yield present and future damages, and provide unsurpassed value.

Multiple Components

Select from a variety of economic components and customize your report. We can provide valuations for earnings & benefits, retirement income, household services, and medical expenses.

Flexible Assumptions

Utilize and alternate statistical reports while you build the life model. If the statistics are not appropriate for your life model, manually input the correct information.

Verified Results

Our reports have been rigorously tested against those utilized in real cases. There is no statistically significant difference in result when the same assumptions are used.

API Integration

Do you utilize CRM software like Salesforce of Clio? Juris Economics integrates with your existing API to automatically generate reports and store economic results in your casefile.


How Does It Work?



The starting point for an individual economic assessment is the demographics page. Here, you will answer a series of demographic questions for the individual whom you would like to assess. Our questions utilize a series of dropdowns along with direct entry fields. Help tabs are provided to assist you along the way.



Statistical values are generated and applied after the report is configured and demographics are in place. Results are available from a variety of sources and are used to generate life expectancy, work life expectancy, household services, wage rates, and consumption rates. These values are then applied to the previously supplied demographics to generate a complete life model.



We being to build your life model once the demographics are entered. Users determine the configuration, valuation period, and date of valuation. The configuration can be set to include earnings and benefits, retirement income, household services, and consumption or any combination of these variables. The valuation period sets the time for which cumulative values are calculated. The date of valuation centers time value of money calculations and separates past and future values.



With a complete life model in place, we calculate the daily value of each economic variable the report has been configured for. Daily values are calculated in discounted present value and undiscounted future value amounts. Past and future amounts are calculated along with cumulative values. At this point, the full economic report is available for review.


Configure & Download Report

With a complete life model in place, we calculate the daily value of each economic variable the report has been configured for. Daily values are calculated in discounted present value and undiscounted future value amounts. Past and future amounts are calculated along with cumulative values. At this point, the full economic report is available for review and download.





$99.00 /month

Full access membership which includes 2 report credits per year, access to all previous valuations, and preview of past/future values prior to report downloading.

  • Two report credits annually
  • Purchase additional reports for $549/each
  • Preview report values prior to downloading

Single Report


Gain access for 3 months with a single report. Generate a report providing an economic assessment of an individual or a life care plan valuation.

  • Easy to use
  • Stored Analysis for Future Refinement
  • Download Reports Immediately 


Contact Us

For high volume users, we provide customized pricing to meet your economic valuation needs. Our team would be happy to assist finding the right fit for your usage needs.

  • Grant access to multiple users
  • Back-end API integration
  • Real Time Results/Reports


Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate are automated reports?

Automated reports use the same academic framework all economists do. When the same assumptions are used, our reports yield identical results to those generated by economic experts.

Can I use this report in Court?

While we can’t comment on matters of admissibility that may vary by jurisdiction. If a foundation is laid by an appropriately qualified expert, our reports should be treated just like any other.

I don’t speak economics, can you help me create a report? 

If you are uncomfortable making selections, schedule an appointment with one of our team members. We will guide you through the process, entering data, refining assumptions, and configuring the report.